
Coaching Services

Individual Coaching by Telephone

The telephone is a great medium for coaching work. It is as effective and alive as in person work, though different, and it has the added convenience and ease of being able to work whether one is at home or away. I generally contract to work with clients for six months or a year with 3 or 4 hour long sessions a month. Email and text support between calls is included in the coaching contract.

Group Coaching

Two or more people can share in a coaching contract, to learn skills and develop the capacity to self-facilitate with a partner who is shares the same skill set.

I offer a two month group coaching program to businesses and other groups to facilitate self-awareness, self-responsibility and effective action.

Coaching In Person

Currently I am not offering in person coaching.

Free Introductory Consultation

Please email Phoebe or call (413) 329-0449 to set up a free introductory consultation. During this call, we will determine what you are looking for, whether my services will help you, and what kind of contract you would like to create.

“I’m amazed by what I learned – so much about my own strengths, and what I value most in my life. This is so much more than the coaching I’ve experienced. It is very exciting! I feel hopeful, lighter, scared, excited!” ~ JDM, Glenville, NY

Additional Events

Co-Counseling Classes

Participate in a Co-Counseling Fundamentals Classes, a peer-based emotional and personal growth program.

For a free consultation or more information, please email Phoebe or call (413) 329-0449.

For the first time in a long time, I feel it is possible to have a good life. I feel a new surge in my heart – my life force – and I know that it will guide me along my way.” ~ EP, Williamstown, MA