
“Phoebe never said ‘no’ to anything I brought to the session. I had permission to think and dream so big that all possibilities became possible. Through visualizations, I came in contact with parts of myself that helped me to grab hold of the ‘shapeshifter’ of stagnation and break through to freedom. I now have ready access to an inner dynamism – who I really am and who I want to be – that has a ripple effect on my whole life. I am choosing my life as I want it to be with regards to my work, housing, health, and relationships, and I come away from our work with a strong sense of self and optimism.” ~ AU, Lanesboro, MA

“I had no idea all that was lurking so close to the surface, but it was clearly ready to come out, so thanks for your invaluable midwifery. In retrospect, I think one reason it came out so immediately was because of how much I trust you, which is a testament to your abilities as a coach. You really create a safe environment for emotional expression, and the result was literally breathtaking.” ~ KL, Brooklyn, NY

“I’m amazed by what I learned. So much about my own strengths, and what I value most in my life. Well, I didn’t really understand this type of coaching. It is so much bigger, deeper than the concept I’d had. This is so much more than the coaching I’ve experienced. It is very exciting! I feel hopeful, lighter, scared, excited!” ~ JDM, Glenville, NY

“Phoebe has a keen ability for listening that works in conjunction with her extraordinary able to perceive.” ~ JDM, Glenville, NY

“Phoebe’s ability to pick up unnoticed cues allowed me to shift directions and break through my defenses – usually the scariest thing that I was trying to avoid. Our sessions were spontaneous and electric. I am now rewriting my journey including my true self. For the first time in a long time, I feel it is possible to have a good life. I feel a new surge in my heart – my life force – and I know that it will guide me along my way.” ~ EP, Williamstown, MA

“The thing that was most challenging and worked best for me was an assessment of my work/life values. … We have had some great discussions including inner conflicts and how to recognize and deal with them, how to develop my inner compass and understand how I know what I know and finding my passion. The exercises have instilled a higher level of self-confidence in me that had been missing. My coach is very patient and intuitive and knows how to bring out the best in someone.” ~ GJ, Wyckoff, NJ

“Phoebe has the instinctual capacity to resonate just exactly where I need to grow. She has helped me become more attentive to body and spirit and to align my ground of faith with action in the world. She understands the nature of the vocation of pastor and the connection between the deep longings and joy of one’s personal life and the deep longing for and connection with the Divine.” ~ NS, Lee, MA

“Working with Phoebe has brought about a huge shift in me. I have come to trust living from my values. What used to seem like insurmountable obstacles now appear to me as opportunities. Our work with inner negative messages rocked me to my core so that I no longer buy into negative self-talk – mine or anyone else’s. Phoebe’s deep listening invited us both to be present with one another through very powerful processes and discoveries. I couldn’t have paid enough for this amazing gift. The ending of our coaching work is the start of many new beginnings in my life.” ~ MH, Warwick, RI